To My Peanut

The start of a Blog, the start of a new life

Friday, July 25, 2008

To My Peanuts

I was sitting here for a few seconds, thinking of how I was going to start this post. It has been a really long time since I wrote anything and posted it. I have started writing a few times, but didn't post it.

We are now four, Andrew was born in February and he's now 5 months old and growing fast! He's a little bigger than Kayla was at his age. He's a very happy baby and I managed to give only breatsmilk until this week. He sometimes complains a bit after he's fed so we decided to start giving him something that will stay in his stomach a bit longer. At first he didn't know what to do with the spoon of porridge, but he grabbed the spoon and started sucking on it and if I take the spoon away to get some more on he starts yelling, hehe! So he's taking it as a natural.

Kayla was more attached to him in the beginning, she was always asking to kiss him, hold him, hug him, change his nappy by herself, bath him, etc. Now she's calmed down a little, she still loves him to bits though, she still asks to hold him and kiss him, she starts helping with his bath, but gives up and doesn't want to change his nappy anymore, but that's ok.

Kayla has grown a lot, she's now 1m tall. She's a smart little kid, still full of energy. She still thinks she's big enough to do everything herself, but I try to incentivate her to do as much as possible on her own and I tell her that even though I know she can do it on her own, sometimes she must let people help her.

During my maternity I stayed at home most of the time and that resulted in Andrew not being used to other people. We used to visit my parents for supper twice a week and he used to cry when they started talking with him, but he eventually warmed up to everyone and he's a cheery little fellow!

I miss being home with him everyday and weekends seem to pass so fast now, but it's also nice to be back at work and do something. By law mothers work 2 hours less everyday until the baby is one, I wish it was always like this, it's so nice to leave work early.

Well, got other things to do, so I'll stop here, will try to be back another day to write a bit more and add some photos.